Extended fasting and staying active

Excited and inspired by my weight loss progress during the fasting month. From 90.7kg down to 82.4kg. A net loss of 8.3kg in 25 days.

7 Jan 2020, weight went up to 94.2kg due to not much activity due to recovery from ironman langkawi in October 2019 (when i was 90kg), where sprained/fractured a toe.
Decided to go back to running, mostly 5-10km runs around the stadium. 4-5 times a week. Did a 2 weeks lifesaver training in Australia, lost 1 kg there.

22 April 2020, got weight down to 90.7 kg. A 3.5kg net loss in 4 months. Did a few ironman virtual races during the covid “lock down”. This day was the start of the fasting month. Planned to do a few extended fasts, while still staying active.

17 May 2020, weight down to 82.4kg. 8.3kg loss in 25 days. I have lost 2x more weight this month compared to rest of the year. Did 2x 5 days extended fasts, while still keeping active, did a few ironman virtual races, including a half ironman distance.

Motivated by the speedy weight loss, but still wary of the possible health consequences of doing extended fast. To be clear, thats when I only break my fast with water but no food. So far so good. Learned from previous years doing extended fasting. Putting notes here for future referrals.

Main lessons were:
1. Not doing the extended fasts any more days when it hurts, previously did 6-7 days. Day 6 or 7 was usually a painful experience, that I only did it that one week in the whole month. So this year to do just 5 days.
2. Keep active, specifically before breaking fast. Contrary to expectation, a sedentary fast was more painful and problematic then an active one. So decided to run or ride before the break fast.
3. Stay hydrated. During extended fasts  I made sure I drank enough water, more than 2 litres, but not in one go, last year that gave me diarrhoea. So spread the water consumption by minutes. Cold water is absorbed by the stomach better then warm water. Warm water will go to the intestines, and might cause the diarrhoea. Sometimes added salt. One symptom i notice if still dehydrated is getting dizzy if i stood up to fast. But I know I am well hydrated when my urine is clear.

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